Flower Essences

Emotional Well Being | Mind/Body Health | Soul Development

How do Flower Essences benefit me?

They support the re-harmonization of the energies that surround the body and transform the assimilation of mental and emotional impressions and responses.

Flower Essences are made by a process called potentizing either by means of sun method of boiling method, where flowers are collected at their peak bloom time, in the morning, and one by one, they are gently harvested and placed on the surface of a crystal bowl filled with spring water. The bowl is left in the sun for three to four hours until the flowers slightly wilt or bubbles form in the water.

The water has now been infused with the soul information of the plant and is now the ‘Mother Essence'.

Flower Essence Session

This session provides a safe place to actualize your soul potential and release the blockages that inhibit you from paying attention to your inner guidance and begin living your authentic self. Blockages are formed from a variety of sources and the key to releasing them is to recognize the pattern of behavior and align with the proper flower essences that would support the movement of release and welcome its higher frequency to dissolve the old.

A Flower Essence questionnaire will be emailed to you after booking your session. Please fill out and return to me before we meet.

1.5 hour session: $125

(Available for in-person, zoom, telephone)

Includes a personalized 15ml Flower Essence Remedy*

Follow up session is highly suggested 3 weeks after first session

  • 1 hour session $75

  • Includes a personalized 15ml Flower Essence Remedy*

  • We will review any shifts you experienced since your first session and discuss any resolutions or continued challenges that are occurring.

  • *plus shipping if session is done remotely